First Project

Most companies try to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to visual design, but for Planetaria we needed to create a brand that would still inspire us 100 years from now when humanity has spread across our entire solar system.

I derive a large amount of my self-worth from whether or not Hacker News is impressed with the work I'm doing, so when I realized this, I cancelled all of our existing projects and started migrating everything to Rust immediately.

Sermone fata

Lorem markdownum, bracchia in redibam! Terque unda puppi nec, linguae posterior in utraque respicere candidus Mimasque formae; quae conantem cervice. Parcite variatus, redolentia adeunt. Tyrioque dies, naufraga sua adit partibus celanda torquere temptata, erit maneat et ramos, iam ait dominari potitus! Tibi litora matremque fumantia condi radicibus opusque.